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RE: secret santa this year?

Responses below.

 > From: "Flora " <http://www.dps.state.vt.us/~f>
 > Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2009 09:11:54 -0500
 > Sounds fine with me.
 > From: Bhavani [http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl] 
 > Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 8:49 AM
 > To: Flora 
 > Subject: Re: secret santa this year?
 > I think there should be a limit for those who have a budget  ( anything
 > goes from $1 - $$$)

I don't see a feature to specify a limit in drawnames.com but we could do
so informally.

 > other than that if the person has a wish we can do
 > want to do for their '"wish list"??____ 

Drawnames.com allows you to have a wishlist.

 > The other thing is that we could just do couples and have Marnie as a
 > couple?____

Do you mean that if an entity (only a couple or Marnie, in this case) gets
a couple as their Santee, then the entity would buy 2 gifts, one for each
person in the couple?  Or would no particular rules be specified?

 > My input- Momski ...can still be as low key as we desire for our funds!!

Why do you want this page removed?