Replies below. > From: Noelle <> > Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 08:23:12 -0700 (PDT) > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 20:53:40 -0700 > From: Gail <> > To: Noelle <> > Subject: from Gail and Dad re: Update for Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend > > Hi Noelle and Robert, > Â > We just received an email today from my nephew, Noah, and his wife, Tracy, > in S.F. They found some very cheap airfares and are flying to Seattle to be > with her parents from Thurs. Thanksgiving to late Sat. eve. and have, thus, > requested that we drive up to visit them on Wed. 11/24 instead of Sun. > 11/28. Therefore we will come visit you on Sun. 11/28 on our drive back from > Healdsburg probably leaving there after breakfast. Besides my seeing your > new home for my first time, please be thinking about what you would like to > do together then. I don't know if Don wants to spend the night in a > hotel/motel near you and continue driving back Mon. AM - but I assume Robert > has to work on Mon. I'll take that day off, just in case. > or whether we would just spend a short time with you and > continue to drive all the way back to S.B. on Sun. Feel free to phone Don to > discuss those details anytime you wish. > > Some of that decision may be decided if I have to work that Mon., and I > probably won't know that until much later. I started a new part-time > contract labor accounting job with flexible hours this past Mon. AM. It is > for a children's furniture co. called Room Magic that was started 10 years > ago. The Co. has 2 warehouses in Ventura, but I work out of the > owner/designer's home in the San Roque area. Their sales are national with > the plan to soon add sales in Canada. I got the job through an excellent > referral from the person who got me my volunteer internship through SBCC's > Scheinfeld Center for Entrepreneurship. That phone call came unexpectedly > last Thurs. Then Fri. I had the interview which was really more that the > owner/designer was showing me a little about what the job would entail as > she evidently had already decided to "hire" me at my last wage rate a couple > of years ago based on the praises of me that the referring person gave about > me to her so she only asked me one question while I asked her a lot of > questions. So anyway this is indeed very exciting news after being > unemployed so long constantly actively job hunting! Good work! > My youngest brother, Scott, is driving up in his new used car to visit for > part of this weekend so that will be fun to see him. The last time we saw > him was on our way back from our petting the whales Baja trip last March. > > We hope all is well with you including Robert's visit with his family and > your job hunt. > > Love, > Gail and Dad