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Meetup Message from Robert: Re: Meetup Message from JoniSare, Chef&NutritionServices: use my home for cooking classe

(As you requested, below is a copy of the email you just sent.)
Robert sent you this message from HumVeganity on Meetup:

> Hi Robert, Noelle,
> Joni here, am new to the group and just read your blurb for the 
> Nov potluck. You mentioned that most kitchens are too small for 
> classes... and.. well, I have a 10-person open kitchen and want 
> to host classes here.

Cool.  I assume you charge for use of the kitchen?  If so, what 
are your rates?

> Please come for a visit, let's meet/greet,

I'll probably try doing this style of meetup again after the 

> Joni
> ps - I'm the organizer for the South Bay Raw Food meetup group

How interesting -- a raw food enthusiast with a loaded kitchen!

> and ProjectWellbeing Meetup group.
> www.jonisare.com  (about to launch redesign)
> 408-320-joni  [5664]

Why do you want this page removed?