Just a quick glance at TigerDirect didn't show any laptops for less than $200. Which seems a bit high to me. When I was laid off by So_ny, I bought my laptop (a used So_ny VAIO x505 with 384Mb mem and 12GB of disk) from them for $125. It runs Ubuntu just fine. So, I definitely think we can find something for around that price that would be good enough. My computer at work (before the memory crapped out) was a Dell desktop with 512Mb memory and 40GB of disk and also ran Ubuntu just fine. (My opinion is that 512Mb is good for Ubuntu. Anything below that, you start having to give us various stuff (e.g., adblocking in Firefox).) > From: http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl > Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 09:06:38 -0500 > > * Richard is supposed to look into Tiger Direct- where he thinks he gets > the best deals.. He is busy lately and is getting distracted to do > this!! Hope I remember to remind again. Somebody knowledgeable about > laptops needs to do this- ain't me...Bhavani...Mom > http://www.tigerdirect.com/