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time tracking system


1) "mkdir ~/lib", then "mkdir ~/lib/work".
2) Add these two lines:
  			setenv BAUD 9600

   in your .login.
3) These these lines:

	"Leave"		exec leave_lockscreen
	"Meeting"	exec meeting_lockscreen
	"Break" MENU
		"On"	exec at_work no
		"Off"	exec at_work yes
	"Break" END


"Workspace" TITLE
  in your .openwin-menu.
4) Add this line:

mwm*configFile:         ~/.mwmrc

   to your .Xdefaults file.
5) Do this:

cp ~robertb/.mwmrc ~

6) Make a .todo file with the following in it:

/* kept-old-versions: 1000 */
/* Local Variables: */
/* case-fold-search: t */
/* kept-new-versions: 1000 */
/* eval: (global-unset-key "\C-x\C-c") */
/* eval: (global-set-key "\C-xr" 'reshow-todo) */
/* eval: (set 'write-file-hooks (cons '(lambda nil (set 'buffer-backed-up nil)) write-file-hooks)) */
/* End: */

7) Modify this line:

alias left 'set echo; utmp -u robertb -t console -f ~/times.utmp -d 6 `cat ~robertb/.left` \!*; unset echo'


alias left 'set echo; utmp -u reddym -t console -f ~/times.utmp -d 5 \!*; unset echo'

   in your .aliases file.
8) Make a "~/bin" directory.
9) Create symbolic links like this:

% ln -s ~robertb/bin/todo ~/bin
% ln -s ~robertb/bin/todo_filt ~/bin
% ln -s ~robertb/bin/postlogin ~/bin
% ln -s ~robertb/bin/prelogout ~/bin
% ln -s ~robertb/bin/enable_cron ~/bin
% ln -s ~robertb/bin/disable_cron ~/bin
% ln -s ~robertb/bin/leave_lockscreen ~/bin
% ln -s ~robertb/bin/openwin ~/bin
% ln -s ~robertb/bin/startx ~/bin
% ln -s ~robertb/bin/at_work ~/bin

10) Make sure your ~/bin directory is on your path and also make sure that
    ~robertb/bin is on your path afterwards.

11) Log out and then log in.  It should give a message:

    logging in at [date time]...

    when you log in.  If it does not, there is something wrong and you
    should alert me.


Since your emacs uses my initialization files, you won't have to change
any of that.

To use this system, just type "todo" in the window titled "right".  It
will bring up your todo file.  You may add items to the todo file.  They
must be in the form:

<time estimate>:
    description of item
<time estimate>:
    description of item

"time estimate" may be in the form <number>h (for hours), <number>m (for
minutes), or <number>w (for weeks).  See my todo file (~robertb/.todo)
for an example.

The top-most item in the .todo is the current item being worked on.
When you are through with it, type "^Xr" (control-X r) and it will
register the time spent on that item and subtract time appropriately.
Then move the new current item to the top of the .todo.  Always remember
to type ^Xr before moving to another item, or times will get screwed up.

When you leave to take lunch or to go home, use the "leave" menu item on
your root window menu.  (The "break" menu item is when you're taking a
break to do something else.)  When you are just going to a meeting and
you wish to lock your screen, use the "meeting" menu item.  Always
remember to "leave" when leaving.  If you forget, you can patch it up
using my "mark" program.  Ask me how to use this if necessary.

At any time, you can look at what your hours have been by doing:

% who ~/times.utmp

If you want to get out of the Emacs in the "right" window, type "ESC-x
kill-emacs".  Do this before getting out of the window system.

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