Help File for the URL-minder: Your Own Personal Web Robot! ========================================================== INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGISTERING, LISTING, AND CANCELLING The URL-minder tracks resources on the World Wide Web and sends you e-mail when the Web pages you have registered change. The URL-minder can be found on the World Wide Web at the following URL: 1) Register a URL with the URL-minder ================================== To register a URL with the URL-minder, use your World Wide Web browser to load the registration form at or send an e-mail message to with "URL-minder register" (without the quotes) in the subject line (NOT in the message body). The complete registration e-mail should look like the following, leaving off the brackets [] : ---------------------- Cut Here ----------------------- To: Subject: URL-minder register URL = [fill in a URL here] NAME = [your name] ---------------------- Cut Here ----------------------- The keywords must be in capital letters, and the spaces around the equal sign must be there. Be sure to leave off the brackets []. 2) List your own personal registered URLs ====================================== To list your own personal registered URLs, send an e-mail message to with subject line "URL-minder list" (without the quotes). 3) Cancelling your URL-minder registrations ======================================== A new cancellation facility is in beta test. The old method described below still works as well, but the new method is hoped to be more convenient for most purposes: Cancelling using a World Wide Web form -------------------------------------- When you first register, and each time the URL-minder sends you a change-notice for a given URL, a cancellation code is included with the message. If you would like to cancel your registration of that particular URL, go to the following Web form: with your browser. Fill in your e-mail address and the cancellation code that was included with your change notice. Submit the form, and you should receive an e-mail confirming that the registration has been canceled. Cancelling by e-mail -------------------- If you have the cancellation code and you want to cancel by e-mail rather than by using the World Wide Web form, send a message to with the words "URL-minder cancel-by-code" (without the quotes) in the Subject line of the message. In the body of the message, put the following line: CODE = [paste the cancellation code here] DO NOT include the brackets [] in the message, just put in the cancellation code. Make sure that CODE is upper case, and that there are blank spaces around the "=" (CODE=[code] WILL NOT WORK!). Old Cancellation Method ----------------------- The original procedure for cancelling, which still works as long as your sending e-mail address and registration address are the same, follows: First, get a listing of your personal registered URLs using the procedure in #2 above. Then, send a message to with "URL-minder cancel" in the subject line of the message. In the body of the message, specify which serial numbers you would like to cancel exactly as in the example below, being careful to use the exact syntax from the example including spaces. Please make sure that you leave off the brackets[], and separate serial numbers by a space (not a comma!). A complete registration cancellation message would appear like the following: ---------------------- Cut Here ----------------------- To: Subject: URL-minder cancel SERIALS = [type the serial number of each URL to cancel] ---------------------- Cut Here ----------------------- Again, the keyword SERIALS must be in capital letters, the spaces must be there, and the brackets should be left off. Each serial number should be separated from the next by a space or tab character (no commas). ========================================================= The URL-minder is a free service offered to every person with access to Internet e-mail. The URL-master reserves the right to refuse service to any persons who abuse the system. Service is free, and no warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. URL-minder and URL-master are service marks of NetMind. Please send any comments or suggestions to . Thank you for your interest in the URL-minder! Please visit the NetMind Free Services Page on the World Wide Web at URL: ------------------------------------------------------- The URL-minder: Your Own Personal Web Robot! -------------------------------------------------------