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Re: Sunday dinner

 > From: Robert <http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert>
 > Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 06:43:19 -0700
 >  > From: h <http://www.gmail.com/~h40>
 >  > Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 22:06:00 -0700
 >  >
 >  > I think there are some pretty good evaluative tools that some employers
 >  > also provide that result in defining values that give one a better notion
 >  > of one's place in a company --- or in management structure.  I know that my
 >  > friend's husband at NASA had to do some self-evaluation for these purposes
 >  > & found it extremely insightful.  I'll try to find out what he completed.
 > Yeah, I'd be curious.
 > While at my last big company, I completed the careerleader.com
 > inventory.  I cannot find the results right now -- it may be on my
 > work computer.  It gave me a list of possible career paths, all of
 > which did interest me, but it did not give me a list of general
 > values, which, I think, is the only way to navigate both work life
 > and non-work life.

Below are my careerleader results.

  You have a very low score on the Extraversion and Decisiveness dimension
  of organizational culture. You will be happiest in a group characterized
  by teamwork (not "stars"), where the work involves focused concentration
  (often carried out independently), and where open competition and
  aggressiveness are rare.

 Affiliation 12 The position offers a setting with enjoyable colleagues
                with whom I feel a sense of belonging.
 Altruism 10 (8) The position offers the satisfaction of regularly helping
                 others with their individual or business concerns.
 Intellectual Challenge 10 (9) The position offers consistent intellectual
 Autonomy 9 (10) The position offers considerable autonomy and
 Variety 8 (9) The position provides a great deal of variety in the nature
               of the work performed.
 Power and Influence 7 (2) The position offers the opportunity to exercise
 			   power and influence (to be an influential
 Lifestyle 6 (9) The position allows ample time to pursue other important
                 aspects of my lifestyle (family, leisure activities, etc.)
 Recognition 5 (6) The position is in an environment where individual
 		   accomplishments are recognized with praise from peers
 		   and superiors.
 Prestige 3 (5) The position is with an organization that commands a great
                deal of prestige in its field.
 Security 3 The position offers a great deal of security in terms of
            predictable salary, benefits, and future employment.
 Financial Gain 1 The position provides excellent opportunity for
                  exceptional financial reward.
 Managing People 0 The position offers the opportunity to manage anddirect
                   other people.

 COMPARISON SCORE: A 90 means that your self-confidence is higher than 90%
 of those business professionals. A 10 means that 90% of the business
 professionals are more confident than you are.

 Time Management 	88 	86th percentile - Manages own time well.
 Sensitivity and Tact	94	83rd percentile - Sensitive and tactful: promotes an atmosphere of good feeling and mutual consideration.
 Ability to Teach 	82 	74th percentile - Clear and patient when explaining things; a good teacher.
 Listening Skills 	79 	62nd percentile - Listens to other people in a way that they feel understood.
 Empathy Skills 	79 	58th percentile - Can see things from other people's points of view.
 Gaining Trust	 	73 	40th percentile - Inspires other people's trust.
 Respect for Others 	69 	32nd percentile - Respectful of other people's points of view, as well as their time and priorities.
 Openness to Criticism 	46 	16th percentile - Accepts critical feedback without getting defensive.
 Self-control	 	45 	15th percentile - Does not act or speak impulsively; does not easily lose composure.
 Comfort with Differences 51 	10th percentile - Comfortable and effective in relating to people from many different backgrounds and cultures.
 Ability to Compromise 	45 	3rd percentile - Able to compromise when the situation calls for it.

 POWER AND INFLUENCE Your Score: 1 (12)
 Conflict Tolerance 	44 	7th percentile - Able to be effective in an environment where strong and opposing views are being expressed.
 Political Skill 	31 	4th percentile - Knows how to get things done within the political framework of an organization.
 Oral Communication 	28 	3rd percentile - A skillful public speaker, good at presenting ideas and plans in a persuasive manner.
 Assertiveness	 	38 	2nd percentile - Able to defend a point of view and to confront others appropriately when necessary.
 Motivational Ability 	22 	2nd percentile - Understands how to motivate different kinds of people to do their best work.
 Projection of Confidence 31 	2nd percentile - Projects self-confidence, even in uncertain and difficult situations.
 Sociability	 	19 	1st percentile - Socially venturesome and self-assured; forms new relationships easily and works to maintain them.
 Influence 		26 	1st percentile - Can influence and persuade other people, even without direct authority.
 Power-orientation 	13 	1st percentile - Comfortable asserting authority and using power.
 Leadership 		5 	1st percentile - Comfortable taking a leadership role.

 Strategic Thinking 	80 	66th percentile - A strategic thinker: able to grasp the big picture and think long-term.
 Merit-orientation 	63 	39th percentile - Judges ideas and people on merit alone, without bias or favoritism.
 Creative Thinking 	63 	33rd percentile - Able to think creatively, generating new ideas and approaches to situations.
 Recognition of Opportunity 54 	20th percentile - Recognizes new opportunities and acts to take advantage of them.
 Decisiveness	 	49 	19th percentile - Able to make decisions even in ambiguous situations and without full information.
 Written Communication 	49 	14th percentile - A good writer, expresses ideas and positions clearly.
 Comfort with Risk 	42 	8th percentile - Takes risks when appropriate, isn't afraid to innovate and experiment.
 Flexibility	 	51 	8th percentile - Adapts easily to changing situations and is able to adopt new approaches when necessary.
 Quick Thinking 	60 	8th percentile - Picks up new ideas and processes new information quickly and easily.
 Critical Thinking 	58 	7th percentile - Able to think critically (define a problem and determine the information needed to solve it; understand unspoken assumptions; form and test hypotheses; and judge the validity of conclusions).
 Quantitative Analysis 	38 	7th percentile - Skillful using quantitative analysis to understand business issues.

 Day-to-Day Responsibility 74 	59th percentile - Takes good care of the day-to-day aspect of running things.
 Action-orientation 	61 	32nd percentile - Action-oriented: makes sure that decisions are implemented.
 Teamwork	 	74 	32nd percentile - A team player: cooperative, works well as part of a group.
 Delegating	 	51 	24th percentile - Delegates appropriately and effectively.
 Persistence	 	60 	16th percentile - Doesn't get discouraged and give up on things easily.
 Multiple Focus 	52 	15th percentile - Able to juggle many projects and responsibilities at once.
 Work Ethic	 	52 	3rd percentile - Has a strong work ethic, willing to make sacrifices to achieve important goals.
 Resilience	 	37 	1st percentile 	- 	Handles pressure and stress well.
 Organizational Priority 28 	1st percentile - Able to make decisions that are in the best interest of the organization, even though they cause individual people distress.

 Application of Technology 99 (69) Interested in learning about and using
 				  new technologies. Enjoy analyzing and
 				  designing (or redesigning) business
 				  processes such as production and
 				  operations systems.
 Theory Development and Research 84 (68) Interested in high-level abstract
 					 thinking about business issues,
 					 and the theory (as well as the
 					 practice) of business strategy.
 					 Enjoy doing in-depth research.
 Quantitative Analysis 51 Prefer solving business issues by "running the
 			  numbers."  Enjoy building computer models, doing
 			  financial and market research analysis.
 Creative Production 25 (51) Enjoy brainstorming novel ideas for products
 			     and services. Prefer early, creative stages of
 			     businesses and projects to later "maintenance"
 Influencing Others 19 (45) Enjoy persuading others,whether to buy a
 			    product or service or to support a proposal.
 			    Often enjoy making presentations, but may
 			    prefer writing or one-to-one negotiations.
 Coaching and Mentoring 13 (39) Enjoy helping develop employees and others
 			        to reach their fullest potential. Often
 			        prefer work with high social values, and
 			        organizations with a collaborative culture.
 Managing People and Teams 14 (36) Interested working with and through
 				   others on a day-to-day basis to
 				   accomplish concrete business goals.
 				   Enjoy leading teams, and prefer line
 				   management to staff roles.
 Enterprise Control 1 (10) Interested in setting business strategy and
 			   having the power to ensure that the strategy is
 			   carried out. Ultimately want general management

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