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Re: Reply: from Gail re: Windows 7 CPU

Gail - I tried calling you to try to get your credit card info.

If it's easier for you to buy it yourself, you can just use my coupon
discount number.  The number is 0A8EEF7KJ0WWG2 .  You just need to buy the
Inspiron 660s with the Windows 7 Office 2013 for Home and Business option.
If you think it would be easier for me to use your credit card and have me
buy it, we'll have to coordinate a time to do that.

 > From: "Gail" <http://www.cox.net/~g3>
 > Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 13:47:23 -0800
 > Yes, Robert, please go ahead and order the Windows 7 CPU for me using your 
 > farmerinthedell discount with the Microsoft Office 2013 Home & Business software for 
 > the total of $481.98 that you quoted me.
 > 1) Please let me know about when it should arrive.
 > 2) Please let me know how best to pay for it. I would prefer if possible to 
 > pay by my VISA credit card so that I can accrue     airline mileage with a 
 > large purchase such as this. If that can't be done, let me know if I should 
 > mail you a check for that         amount payable to you or to whom and send 
 > to your home address or where.
 > I would rather buy this now before any prices go up and to be done with it 
 > now that I have made my decision so I don't have to spend any more time on 
 > this decision and to also make sure I get the Windows 7 before they are sold 
 > out.
 > Gratefully,
 > Gail
 > 178 Ynf Creynf Qe.
 > Santa Barbara, CA 93111-6909
 > P.S. Bob, thanks for your recent email with the helpful websites. Once I 
 > receive this CPU and software, I may decide to delay somewhat making the 
 > appointment to have you install it until:
 >     1) I have completed year end stuff for our enrolled agent for tax year 
 > 2013 on my present computer that I know how to             easily use before 
 > I start learning how to use the new one.
 >     2) I have hopefully found time to permanently delete or archive more 
 > material on my computer that isn't necessary to                 transfer 
 > over to the new one.
 > Also I forgot to ask you how much you charge per hour to do this 
 > installation.

Why do you want this page removed?