Greetings - As you know Bhavani and Dick will be moving to New Mexico around springtime, I think... and as you may also know Bhavani's birthday is around a month from now, Feb 16th, which it seems will be the last time she'll be celebrating her birthday in this area before she and Dick move to New Mexico. As such I was wondering if anyone has considered having a casual birthday get-together for her where we can simply gather in appreciation. Not a big deal kind of thing, which I doubt would be Bhavani's preference, but maybe only meet for lunch or dinner at one of her favorite restaurants, comparable to when Dick's 70th birthday was celebrated. I think it would move her greatly and she's certainly deserving of it. I for one will deeply miss her when she and Dick finally move from here. In any case I just thought I'd put the idea out there but also, as you can see, I only have a tiny little handful of addresses for persons in relationship to Bhavani, so perhaps some of you... actually any of you although especially you - Robert, Flora, Marnie and Chris - can forward this to those in connection to Bhavani who might be interested in receiving this? I realize it's impossible for you (Robert and Noelle) to join us for her birthday lunch or dinner, but I still wanted to include you. And to me all of her loved ones can be included as well, so please do forward. Also Flora, Marnie and Chris (you too Robert regardless of not living in the area) have you any specific ideas as to how to go about this? My only intention is to put the idea out there, to plant a seed, but I'm unfortunately not able to be the person in charge of making it happen. I'd be more than happy to support and help out in any way, but can you (Bhavani's family/ friends) be more the ones in charge of either making it happen or to come up with another idea? Again my main desire right now is to put the idea out there with the intent that Bhavani be warmly celebrated. I guess step one then is to ask who can be in charge and perhaps take it from there. Feel free to be in touch, I'm happy to be part of the conversation, yet again it's impossible that I be at the helm. Do please send feedback to us all and again please ALSO feel free to share this with any of Bhavani's connections. Thanks so much to each of you in advance. Love and cheers for our very treasured Bhavani - Anne Marie