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Re: NYTimes.com: These Countries Did Well With Covid. So Why Are They Slow on Vaccines?

 > From: heather Howard <http://www.gmail.com/~hhoward40>
 > Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2021 11:07:25 -0700
 > From The New York Times:
 > These Countries Did Well With Covid. So Why Are They Slow on Vaccines?
 > Japan, South Korea and Australia have inoculated tiny percentages of their 
 > populations. The delays risk unwinding their relative successes.
 > https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/17/world/asia/japan-south-korea-australia-vaccines.html?smid=em-share

That is bizarre.  Could it be that Japanese and South Koreans are not in a
rush to see their family and get back to work?

Why do you want this page removed?