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Re: YOU ARE INVITED to attend the #ElectCrockett Election Watch Party! (fwd)

The details are as follows:

Location: 3747 Redtail Ct., Santa Clara, CA 95051
Time: 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Party Host: David Ashby

There will be large indoor and outdoor areas. We highly encourage 
masking indoors, except when eating or drinking. 

Sign the RSVP form below to attend the Watch Party!

The event is a potluck, so please let us know if you can bring any 
food or beverages to the event. There will also be a small bar. 

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 > Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2022 04:30:48 +0000
 > Subject: YOU ARE INVITED to attend the #ElectCrockett Election Watch Party!
 > From: http://www.electcrockett.com/~admin
 > To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
 > I've invited you to fill out the following form:
 > Greetings!
 > To fill it out, visit:
 > https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeMOD_mVnB5rEWzMMigolxDUU-WBVmDCQXODHdvHWY7iYp2hA/viewform?vc=0&amp;c=0&amp;w=1&amp;flr=0&amp;usp=mail_form_link
 > RSVP Form
 > Google Forms: Create and analyze surveys.
 >  Email * First Name * Last Name * Phone number For the potluck I will bring:
 >          *  Food: Snacks / Hors  D&#39;oeuvres Food: Snacks / Hors D'oeuvres
 >          *  Food: Main Course Item Food: Main Course Item
 >          *  Food: Dessert Item Food: Dessert Item
 >          *  Drink: Non-alcoholic Drink: Non-alcoholic
 >          *  Drink: Alcoholic Drink: Alcoholic
 >          *  __other_option__ Other: Brief description of potluck item: Is 
 >          there anything you feel is relevant that you would like to 
 >          communicate? [null,null,&quot;808158364257063387&quot;] 0 
 >          mail_form_submit 808158364257063387
 >       Submit Never submit passwords through Google Forms.
 >  Powered by Google Forms 
 >  ,https://www.google.com/forms/about/?utm_source=product&amp;utm_medium=forms_logo&amp;utm_campaign=forms
 >  , This form was created inside of Elect Crockett Santa Clara County 
 >  Assessor 2022.

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