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Re: political donation spam

Yeah, I remember finding services like 10minutemail when I last looked
into temporary email addresses.

Another good one (which I use for work) is  .

 > From: Noelle <noelle>
 > Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 07:11:14 -0800 (PST)
 > J.C. in Washington, DC, writes: For political donations, I use 
 > 10minutemail.com. It creates a throwaway e-mail account that lasts 
 > only 10 minutes (more if you need to extend it) and allows you to 
 > send/receive e-mail while it's active. Super helpful!
 > H.R. in Jamaica Plain, MA, writes: Your item on small donors, and 
 > the ever-increasing flood of e-mail donation requests that results 
 > from making a small donation from time to time, was very timely for 
 > me. A few weeks ago, I made a concerted effort to get off of most of 
 > these lists and to delete all the accumulated e-mails from 
 > politicians from all over the country that were coming into my 
 > inbox. I didn't fully keep track, but I'm sure I deleted over 300 MB 
 > of email. Even better, the unsubscribes paid off, as my inbox is now 
 > filling up at a much slower rate. I was traveling for 2 weeks and 
 > not able to do much e-mail maintenance, yet my total storage use 
 > grew by less than 40 MB during that time. Before doing the concerted 
 > unsubscribes, it was growing at a much faster pace. I did stay on a 
 > few lists, especially from politicians I actually can vote for. Next 
 > step for me is to tackle all the merchants who send me e-mails. I'll 
 > be seriously thinking about setting up a gmail account for political 
 > donations in the future.

Why do you want this page removed?