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FW: [Video] 3 Uncommon Exercises to Avoid Wrist/Forearm Pain.

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Title: Newsletter
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Nerve Glides - Ever Heard of Them?
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Quinn Orthopedic Physical Therapy Newsletter

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Like bones & muscles, your nerves slide and glide with motion. However, with an injury or repeated overuse, they might lose some mobility and cause pain or problems. This month we are providing you with 3 nerve gliding exercises to maintain mobility of the median, radial, and ulnar nerves. Click here to watch the video.

Sleep Patterns, Low Back Pain And Burnout Are All Interrelated

Sleep and Back Pain

Our habits at night can have a big impact on how we feel during the day. But, is lack of sleep really related to burnout and lower back pain? The answers might surprise you. Click here to learn more.

Has your lower back pain returned? Contact us if you need some help again - just reply to this message.

Controversial Study Suggests Alcohol, in Any Amount, Isn’t Good for You


In the past, healthcare professionals have suggested that some common alcoholic beverages are not harmful, and in fact, may provide limited health benefits. New research suggests otherwise, and it’s worth learning why some scientists have changed their minds. Click here to read more.

Reminder: Modifying Prescription Drug Usage May Reduce The Risk Of Falling

Fall Prevention

Falls are disastrous and sometimes fatal, so we thought it important to revisit this research and send out a reminder.  The use of certain prescription drugs are associated with an increased risk of falling and broken bones.

This may be something you can change for the better. Click here to learn more.

Of course, we can help you reduce your risk of falling with a personalized balance & mobility program.

Simply reply to this message if you would like to learn more about fall prevention treatments.

Feeling Blue - Find Out Why


Feeling down every once in a while is a normal part of life, but if these feelings last a few weeks or months, you may have depression.

Review this article to learn about common signs and symptoms of depression, treatment options, and if you or your loved one may be at risk for depression. Click here to learn more about depression and older adults.

Pain can be related to depression & if you have chronic pain we may be able to help. Simply reply to this message and we will get back to you.

Don’t Let Ticks Make You Sick

Don't Let Ticks Make You Sick

With warmer weather, you might be excited about walking or hiking outside. Tiny ticks also emerge when temperatures rise. And they can take a big bite out of warm-weather fun. Here are some tips to block tick bites:

When outside:

  • Treat clothing and gear with products containing permethrin.
  • Use insect repellents as directed. Find effective ones from the EPA.
  • Click here for EPA repellent recommendations.
  • Avoid areas where ticks hide, including high grass and leaf litter.

When back indoors:

  • Change your clothes when you come inside. Wash the clothes you used outdoors in hot water.
  • Check your whole body for ticks. Ticks can be as small as a poppy seed. Remove ticks with tweezers. Pull upward with steady, even pressure.
  • Shower within two hours after coming indoors, to wash away ticks before they latch on.

Until Next Time,

Thanks from Deborah Quinn Lemire, PT, MMSc

Quinn Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Phone: 408-252-6076
Email: info@xxxxxxxxxxx

Our Services

  • Orthopedic Rehabilitation
  • Pre and Post Surgical Rehabilitation
  • Specialty Therapies
  • Telehealth
  • Women's Health
  • Workers' Comp Rehab
  • Motor Vehicle Injury


20823 Stevens Creek Blvd #200
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-6076
595 Park Ave #101
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 947-8466

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