Hi Noelle and Robert, Just to confirm that you will be having dinner on Fri. 12/22 with Angie and Heather while we attend a Holiday Open House anytime from 5-9 PM that is a buffet dinner at friends� home in S.B. Please do come to our home to connect and say Hi after your arrive in Goleta before you go to Angie�s home for dinner as we can arrive at that Open House anytime. I just had an extra thought in wondering if you would like to get together with any of the Trunks who might be available in the Carpinteria area I believe it is, and if so perhaps we could join you while you are here in Goleta. Looking at the calendar I figure we 4 would go out to a restaurant for dinner on 12/23, so be thinking where that has vegan as well as regular food. On 12/23 sometime I will need time to make the dessert ahead for 12/24. I will do the food shopping the morning of 12/22 and maybe some of it on 12/21. Best, Gail