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make sure reading glasses are not getting loose
look into cost for adding Flora to Netflix plan
use existence of fetchmail running to determine whether on vacation instead of ~/.vacation
recycle and take out garbage
add Esalen trip to ~/notes/solstice.txt
leave at 1:30pm for 2:30pm appt
 Erin B. Lally
 2100 Forest Ave. Ste 105
leave for Esalen Institute 🚗
look for registered dietitian/nutritionist
attend 6:30pm Japantown Neighborhood Assn meeting ⛩ on Wednesday
check webcam charge levels
put more cash into wallet
buy food at farmer's market and Trader Joes 🛒
 go to Santa Clara Farmer's Market
bring books to drop off at mini-library
get bills at Postoffice
do Windows Update and back-up on No's laptop
reboot No's computer
download e-mail on 12/16/2023 in order to review before getting published
unwrap laptop power supply wire from tables
put away No's work table in front room
get rid of a small box worth of stuff
play frisbee, basketball, or racquetball
test macula in eyes using amsler grid
remove pencil from No's laptop
empty dishwasher
bring cell phone and AA batteries to work on Monday
stay at Esalen Institute 🌇

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