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Re: Double Rainbow vs. Ben and Jerry's

 > From: Brian <http://www.cs..edu/~b>
 > Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 18:30:26 -0800
 > No, don't worry, I'm not feeling suicidal, myself, at the moment.  But,
 > for example, because I'm diabetic, there's a strong risk of me going blind
 > at some point.  I'm pretty sure that that would make me suicidal -- and if
 > so, I don't want anyone making efforts to keep me alive!  (Maybe, should I
 > actually reach that point, I won't want to die, and that's fine.  But
 > maybe I will.  I predict that I will.)

When my dad was hospitalized, he was fortunate in that he could choose to
die, and did choose to do so.  It was just a few months before he was
hospitalized that I inferred that this was the decision he was going to
make.  (He didn't state it explicitly.)

Why do you want this page removed?