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- Re: You've scheduled: Annual General Meeting (fwd), robert
- Looks like Dale and Ian fixed the Google Calendar on the Unumhum Brewing events page. 😌
- Re: You've scheduled: Annual General Meeting (fwd), robert
- It's funny. I did a search for "cooperative beer ca" and a beer offering service via truck came up. That may be cheaper than trying to get a single physical location. Just a thought. Don't know about the legalities or the actual cost of purchasing a truck....
- tetinus shot, Robert
- I had a reminder that I'm supposed to get a tetinus shot. I sent a message to my doctor asking whether I should bother with this.
- hernia, Robert
- I wonder if my hernia was due to the excess coughing during COVID and for a while afterwards. Seems to fit the timeline. I suppose this could be a long COVID symptom, technically. Anyway, I was unable to get all my prescriptions in this trip -- the pharmac...
- Re: hernia, Robert
- Apparently, I'm not alone.
- Message not available
- Re: hernia, Robert
- Guess it's not a hernia. At least, not a visible one. Not sure what's happening.
Re: 📅Just scheduled: Unumhum Brewing Board Meeting, Robert
- Did you and your homies decide whether you're meeting tomorrow?
Co-ops and cooperation and more! (fwd), Noelle
Successful Fax Notice, http : //www . sonic . com/~support
- Faxing of AssessmentExclusionSeismicSafety.pdf to 14082983015 completed successfully. 2 pages successfully transmitted. cover_subject:Claim for Seismic Safety Construction Exclusion from Assessment cover_from_name:Robert cover_letter:1 cover_to_name:Santa...
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Successful Fax Notice, http : //www . sonic . com/~support
- Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 08:59:30 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Faxing of driverscreditcards.pdf to 18005530340 completed successfully. 10 pages successfully transmitted. cover_subject:drivers license and credit card statements cover_from_name:Robert cover_letter:1...
- Successful Fax Notice, http : //www . sonic . com/~support
- Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 16:07:55 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Faxing of driverscreditcards.pdf to 18005530340 completed successfully. 10 pages successfully transmitted. cover_subject:Robert documentation cover_from_name:Robert cover_letter:1 cover_to_name:Citizen...
- Successful Fax Notice, http : //www . sonic . com/~support
- Faxing of RobertEmploymentLetter9.13.24.pdf to 191631 completed successfully. 2 pages successfully transmitted. cover_subject:verification of claim eligibility cover_from_name:Robert cover_letter:1 cover_to_name:EDD Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 14:52:21 -0700 MI...
Re: Can Jerry Springer Save 3Below Theaters? (fwd), robert
- So, you're going with Heather to this next weekend?
Re: Fwd: Got a question for the County District 2 Supervisor candidate forum?, Robert
- Are we doing this instead of trivia?
Sure, working on the roof on Sunday would be, http : //www . sneakemail . com/~bccme
- fine. A heads-up that we will be out in the afternoon, however.
Re: Double Rainbow vs. Ben and Jerry's, Robert
- When my dad was hospitalized, he was fortunate in that he could choose to die, and did choose to do so. It was just a few months before he was hospitalized that I inferred that this was the decision he was going to make. (He didn't state it explicitly.)
- Re: Double Rainbow vs. Ben and Jerry's, Brian
- It's sad that people have to die. (Although if they didn't that'd raise other problems!) But it's good when people can have some control over the process. I'm glad your dad could do that.
Re: You've Got Voice Mail my-Oakland-voicemail-number (fwd), robert
- Sounds like spam. I would ignore it.
- Re: You've Got Voice Mail my-Oakland-voicemail-number (fwd), robert
- Oh, and I fully expect the spam to be relentless. So, expect more calls.
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: You've Got Voice Mail my-Oakland-voicemail-number (fwd), robert
- Aug 14 afternoon.
- Re: You've Got Voice Mail my-Oakland-voicemail-number (fwd), robert
- Thankfully, it worked out. I hope I don't regret going to Campbell on a late Wednesday afternoon.
- Re: You've Got Voice Mail my-Oakland-voicemail-number (fwd), robert
- Yeah, I didn't understand it, but it shouldn't matter since the Fidelity managed accounts takes on proxy vote responsibilities.
- Re: You've Got Voice Mail my-Oakland-voicemail-number (fwd), robert
- Yes, thanks, I noted it. It was an "extra" appointment, which I may end up not using anyway.
that Russian actress, Robert
- She was in The Americans. That's where we saw her.
Re: HSA card, Robert
- I got another nasty gram from HSABank about contributing too much. But, I went through it again, and we're still under the maximum of $7,750 for a family. So, we should still be good and should not be subject to any penalties. % bc 0.3020+366.4620+182.522+...
Wednesday night, Robert
- Looks like I'll be working Wednesday (tomorrow) night. Just FYI.
- Wednesday night, Robert
- It's next Wednesday, not the day after tomorrow, that I'll have to work at night. I stuck it on my calendar, in case you're interested in the details.
Re: Beato interviews, robert
- OK. Don't know if I wanna see the whole thing, 'tho.
Finding Your Roots, Robert
- The next episodes won't appear until April.
Re: Upcoming SBV Dinner?, Shalabh Agarwal
Message not available
- Re: April 7 South Bay Veggies Dinner,
- Possible for us, with outdoor dining only. The Foxtale restaurant doesn't look too appetizing from their website, to me anyway. Sincerely, Diane Harrison 3283 Benton St. Santa Clara, CA 95051 (land of the Ohlone and Muwekma Ohlone people) ;408-246-8...
Message not available
- Re: April 7 South Bay Veggies Dinner,
- Hi, A couple of e-mails were accidentally cut off from the list the first time I sent this, so I am resending to ensure everyone has the invitation. Thank you! Here's the invitation/message from Elaine: Hi,We have four spring birthdays and would like to...
Re: You're confirmed for: Unumhum Brewing Board Meeting (fwd), robert
- Glad this went well. Hope you got a lot resolved.
food diary pictures, Robert
ricochet ID, Robert
- ricochet:sfcv7yy7zetas9iyltve8tecpamsbxyjo09cf98yb8nyftq0vmx2xdlq
Re: Welcome to, Robert
- I signed up for Staples Rewards so that we can continue to recycle printer ink cartridges there in the future.
Re: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender (fwd), robert
- It looks like the mail server is either misconfigured or Travis's email address is improperly configured. I included the headers below. It got to before it barfed. You might first ask Ian or Dale, but, I suspect...
Pershing LLC/CUSO Financial Services L.P., Robert
- The 1099-DIV was non-zero ($564+$77+$952+$10) for tax year 2020. I'll make a reminder to look for these each year.
Re: You may now join your video visit, Robert
- The appointment was 30 mins, not 15 minutes as I had originally thought. Some tips she gave me: 1. Having edamame as a snack food in the evening or at night is good since it's high in fiber and protein. I'm not sure what form would be best for this. 2. Spr...
weather-based schedule change, robert
- I would like to go to gym tomorrow instead of Sunday so that I can do yard work on Sunday instead. How does that sound?
Re: Resubmit Required EBB Documents (fwd), robert
- I uploaded my most current water bill. Hopefully, that placates them.
Re: A shipment from order FS228005 is out for delivery (fwd), robert
- You're lion!
Re: debt, robert
- Interesting. I noticed that this Michael Hudson guy has a lot of videos on Youtube.
Re: S. Indian restaurant, robert
- Not sure if it's too new, but nothing about vegan-friendly dishes.
Re: Japan's population, robert
- Yeah, Japan is living in interesting times.
Re: Corona Calls for 10.10.2023 – How does Novavax compare to mRNA vaccines ?, Robert
- Really? Tell me how you fair.
Advances in Archaeology Allow Us to Understand Political Evolution and Social Change in Deep Time, Robert
- Is this like Hari Seldon meets Jared Diamond? Speaking of which, besides seeing The Gilded Age, we still need to watch The Foundation. 😩
Ignoring the Tanker on the Beach, Robert
- "...our stubborn insistence on ignoring the threats that are bearing down on us". Yeah, I definitely got that. It always comes back to that most relevant notion: when did our Jewish ancestors decide it was time to give up their home and mo...
Older US adults should get another COVID-19 shot, health officials recommend, Robert
- Are you sad that we're not over 65 yet?
Re: 📅Saturday: Can you make "Phoenix Commons Senior Cohousing Open House (Oakland, CA) (Virtual)"?, Robert
- I didn't attend this. Oh, well.
📅 Just scheduled: Vegan Lunch at Aina's Vegan Banh Mi (inside Vegan Bistro Donuts & Cafe), Robert
- Any interest? Title: Meetup Silicon Valley Social Vegans invites you to a new event j; wnj; ; wnj; wnj; zwnj; nj; j; z...
📅 Just scheduled: Vegan Potluck Picnic, Robert
- Any interest? Title: Meetup Silicon Valley Social Vegans invites you to a new event j; wnj; ; wnj; wnj; zwnj; nj; j; z...
📅 Just scheduled: Hike at Alviso Marina County Park, ~4.5mi, 1.5-hour, easy hike, Robert
- Any interest? Title: Meetup U.S. National Parks Quest (NPQ) invites you to a new event zwnj; nj; wnj; nj; nj; nj; j; z...
Re: Brian retweets a meme!, Robert
- I use . It's Google, but without [most of] the privacy implications.
Re: Fw: Join us on Wednesday March 6, for the Green Party Peace Action Webinar, Robert
- Did you register?
the roof seems to be, http : //www . sneakemail . com/~bccme
- doing fine so far. Hasn't rained a lot yet, 'tho.
Re: Your delivery is hold (fwd), Robert
- Definitely phishy.
No roof ceiling leaks. Let's hope it holds. I think, http : //www . sneakemail . com/~bccme
- should pay you for the materials and labor so far, regardless. If you come by, I can pay you. If it's under $400, I should be able to pay you in cash.
Your home warranty contract # P55565, http : //www . fnhw-warranty . com/~contracts
- FNHW Logo Thank you for choosing FNHW for your home warranty needs. Please download and save the attached document, which details the terms and conditions of your contract #: P55565 Sincerely, Fidelity National Home Warranty Customer Portal: www.homewarran...
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Your home warranty contract # P55565, http : //www . fnhw-warranty . com/~contracts
- FNHW Logo Thank you for choosing FNHW for your home warranty needs. Please download and save the attached document, which details the terms and conditions of your contract #: P55565 Sincerely, Fidelity National Home Warranty Customer Portal: www.homewarran...
Re: Action Required: Changes to ¢s Alumni Email Service (fwd), robert
- You should do the renewal thing described below. We should also work on slowly swinging away from your cal email address in case they do something nasty in November. Are you able to get a permanent email address from AHIMA or CHIMA?
Mark Ruffalo, Robert
- I think this is the scene that you didn't like.
Don McKellar, Robert
- Did you know that he wrote and directed this film?
Re: Oscar Bests ~ Last chance to catch on the Big Screen (fwd), robert
- Sure. I'll reschedule my Thursday night meeting.
Why I Don’t Rely on Hope, Robert
- The author here is right: we always have to live with the constant paradox of both just living one's life and also helping others and thinking about the future. (It's probably more than just two facets (e.g., the constant awareness of deat...
Re: Applause for Lunar Failure Follows Decades of Space Program Cheerleading (fwd), robert
- Yeah. And not even a single mention of the menace of space junk in lower Earth orbit.
sorry, I didn't check my messages yesterday. Today (Saturday) will be, http : //www . sneakemail . com/~bccme
- a bit busy for me. Could you stop by on Sunday? I should be around before 1pm and then after 7pm.
Re: Sunday. Sounds good., http : //www . sneakemail . com/~bccme
- I'm also available Monday all day, and Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons.
Re: Confirmation #21974212 (fwd), robert
- Did you download your tickets to your phone?
Re: ✅ Noelle, finish setting up your Android device with Google (fwd), robert
- You may want to unsubscribe from this mailing list.
Re: We've Received Your Order 🥳 (fwd ), robert
- Yeah, last year. It's like Google reminding you of past photos, except email...
Sneakemail account credited 6 months, http : //www . sneakemail . com/~support
- Your Sneakemail account has been credited 6 months. Payment amount : $18.00 New expiration date : November 15, 2025 Change which addresses receive these alerts ,,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Sneakemail account credited 6 months, http : //www . sneakemail . com/~support
- Your Sneakemail account has been credited 6 months. Payment amount : $18.00 New expiration date : May 15, 2026 Change which addresses receive these alerts ,,
- Sneakemail account credited 6 months, http : //www . sneakemail . com/~support
- Your Sneakemail account has been credited 6 months. Payment amount : $18.00 New expiration date : November 15, 2026 Change which addresses receive these alerts
Re: JNA Meeting 03.13 - Wednesday - Hybrid, Robert
- Guess it's too late to RSVP. Maybe we should work on our taxes tonight?
- Tuesday, Robert
- Looks like my boss won't be in the office on Tuesday. So, it's likely that I won't go in. Same with the week after. Just FYI.
- Tuesday, Robert
- Looks like my boss won't be in the office tomorrow (Tuesday). So, I won't go in.
- Re: Tuesday, Robert
- Oh, and it looks like I will likely not be able to go to Trivia on Tue Aug 13 since I have an 8pm meeting. But, I'll know for sure by the end of this week.
- Re: Tuesday, Robert
- Change in plans. The meeting was rescheduled to August 27 (I think -- I need to read the email more carefully). So, I should be able to go to Trivia tonight!
- Wednesdays, Robert
- I have a proposal: we could listen to podcasts once a week in the evening to go on a screen diet (reduction). Wednesdays would be the best day for that. What do you think?
- Re: Wednesdays, Noelle
- yeah why not?
today is Wednesday. I expect to be around after 2:30pm, http : //www . sneakemail . com/~bccme
- if you're interested in stopping by.
Re: Refunded: Your payment to Emerg Phys Asc where-I-live has been successfully refunded (fwd), robert
- Don't call us, we'll call you.
stopping by at around 6 o'clock would be fine. should be around, http : //www . sneakemail . com/~bccme
- all evening. see ya.
SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- MIME-Version: 1.0 I'll see you soon today.
- <Possible follow-ups>
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- Yes tomorrow after 5 o'clock I could be over there to look at it, if that's not too late for you. If not I could be out there Saturday morning.
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- See you Friday
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- Robert I've gotten off of work a bit earlier if you're available to meet sooner rather than later I'm off work, if not I'll keep our 5 o'clock appointment, thank you.
- Paul -, Robert
- Paul - yeah, if you want to come over early, that's fine.
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- Very sorry about this I had sent a message two days ago but apparently it failed to send. I want to do the work around noon as I have another job early that morning. And I will dedicate the rest of the day to your job.
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- Saturday the 2nd of November. Tomorrow.
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- Sounds good
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- Robert almost done with this roof clean up will be there probably in about an hour and a half.
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- On my way now from Campbell
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- Sorry for the late response. I know we had a significant amount of wind and rain this last storm. With the first rain of the season was there any leaking like 2 weeks ago?
- leaking 2 weeks ago, Robert
- No, there wasn't any leaking then. The leaking only appeared this time, at about 7:20am in the morning, after about 6 or 7 hours of rain.
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- Good morning Robert. I also remember saying that if it leaked again I'm gonna have to get into that little attic crawl space.
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- That was also a pretty heavy Storm with a lot of wind and then it leaked after 6 hours when normally after about 2-3 hours of a regular rain it started leaking.
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- Understood.
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- Got a late start. I can be there at 1:30
- SMS From 14089631246 To 1my-Oakland-voicemail-number, 14089631246
- I had looked at the weather and I thought it was going to be raining hard today.
Re: culminating days of an uplifting cinequest festival / are you ready? (fwd), robert
- Yeah. They said that it's open to all, unlike in previous years when it was invite-only.
Re: Help Needed - Downtown Los Altos St. Paddy's Day Beer Stroll (This Friday) (fwd), robert
- It's so easy to let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Resubmit Required EBB Documents, http : //www . earthquakebracebolt . com/~Info
- Dear Robert , Your Earthquake Brace + Bolt pre-retrofit documents have been reviewed. We were not able to approve all of your submitted documents. Please login to your Homeowner Dashboard to see what is missing or needs to be changed. Please c...
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Resubmit Required EBB Documents, http : //www . earthquakebracebolt . com/~Info
- Dear Robert , Your Earthquake Brace + Bolt pre-retrofit documents have been reviewed. We were not able to approve all of your submitted documents. Please login to your Homeowner Dashboard to see what is missing or needs to be changed. Please c...
- Re: Resubmit Required EBB Documents, Robert
- I have run out of options here. I have uploaded the following documents: Property Tax. This has the residence address, but the mailing address is the box. Water Bill. This also has the residence address, but the mailing address is the box. Electric Bill. T...
lunch after Sunday film, Robert
- says that it's vegan friendly. We could try.
Re: upcoming birthday dinner, Robert
- Mondays never work for me, but I'm free all other times except Thursday April 4. Foxtale is preferable, but, yeah, it would depend upon good weather in order to eat outside and, also, seating at Foxtale is quite limited.
Re: Unumhum Brewing Update, Robert
- I assume you won't be strolling. I'll probably skip tomorrow's release party. Haven't got a call from the shoe place about my hiking boots. May not be ready during the day tomorrow.
The New Atheism at 20: How an Intellectual Movement Exploited Rationalism to Promote War, Robert
- I doubt that the mapping from The New Atheism to the Israeli destruction of the Palestinian people is as straightforward as the author suggests. Nevertheless, this does demonstrate that religion has nothing to do with morality, and vice-ve...
Re: Regional Med. Ctr., robert
- I think eventually we'll have single payer simply by the fact that either where-I-live or Santa Clara County will own all the hospitals.
Re: best actress, robert
- Hmm. Didn't know it all boiled down to data.
Re: Fw: Congratulations to all Green Candidates for running, Robert
- Not a mention of the No-Labels Party. That will be the big factor, I think.
Re: Co-op Event 3/18 - 3pm: Rep. Ro Khanna introducing federal worker co-op bill! (fwd), robert
- 3pm? Don't people know that we have bosses that we must obey?
📅 Just scheduled: Christspiracy - Free Documentary Screening - where-I-live, Robert
- This sounds weird. Title: Meetup Silicon Valley Social Vegans invites you to a new event zwnj; j; ; j; j; j; z...
"Pain and Peace" movie, Robert
-; Do you think you'd be back in time to see this movie tonight? It starts at 7pm.
RE: Quote\report (fwd), Robert
- Everybody wants growth. Or, is that "a growth"? Probably not.
Re: Fwd: Modified Spirit Airlines Flight Confirmation: EW6RHH, robert
- What time will I need to drop you off at the SJ Airport?
- Heather's latest escapades, robert
- You'll probably need to help Heather pull her car in since I'll be in my meeting Friday morning when she'll be here. I'll place the wheelbarrow as a marker in front of the garage, as usual, probably the night before.
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Fwd: Modified Spirit Airlines Flight Confirmation: EW6RHH, robert
- What time will I need to drop you off at the airport?
- Re: Fwd: Modified Spirit Airlines Flight Confirmation: EW6RHH, robert
- What time will I need to drop you off at the airport?
- Re: Fwd: Modified Spirit Airlines Flight Confirmation: EW6RHH, Noelle
- Message not available
- Re: Fwd: Modified Spirit Airlines Flight Confirmation: EW6RHH, robert
- I should be able to pick you up on Monday as well. I'll try to be at the curbside when your flight is scheduled to arrive.
- Re: Fwd: Modified Spirit Airlines Flight Confirmation: EW6RHH, robert
- I'm thinking I'll bring your phone with me so that I can check flight arrival times while I'm picking Heather up.
- Re: Fwd: Modified Spirit Airlines Flight Confirmation: EW6RHH, robert
- Looks like it's on-time.
- Re: Fwd: Modified Spirit Airlines Flight Confirmation: EW6RHH, robert
- Actually, I'll wait for your call instead.
- Re: Fwd: Modified Spirit Airlines Flight Confirmation: EW6RHH, robert
- Actually, I'll wait for your call instead.
- Re: Fwd: Modified Spirit Airlines Flight Confirmation: EW6RHH, robert
- Actually, I'll wait for your call instead.
- Bob Marley: One Love, robert
- It starts at 8:15pm. Would Heather wanna see this?
5 Voices Leadership Style Assessment Test Results, Robert
- Guardian Nurturer
Re: cse 10 am, robert
- Do I need to drive you and drop you off?
- Message not available
- Re: cse 10 am, robert
- You mean, with the groceries in hand? Will we have time to pick up my boots?
- Message not available
- Re: cse 10 am, robert
- OK. I think the shoe repair place closes at 4pm.
- Re: cse 10 am, robert
- The boots still weren't ready. Probably this week.
Re: no emails since 4:47 pm, robert
- Is it working now?
Re: Welcome to Your Retreat Day (fwd), robert
- Do I need to drop you off by 9:45am?
Re: Invoice for your Event Booking (fwd), robert
- Do I need to drop you off by 9:45am?
Re: From Gail re: your possibly doing a favor for us, robert
- I tried logging in to using your, but it wanted to create a new account -- I never got a chance to enter the password you sent. You might want to try Amazon since you already have an account there.
Re: Reply: From Gail re: your possibly doing a favor for us, robert
- The ability of "getting a busy signal or message when someone is trying to call me" is typically a function of your telephone provider (Cox Communications?), not of the phone itself. I suspect that it will come with batteries, but you may need to replace t...
first computer program, Robert
- Yeah, it was a game for me too, except it was Madlibs written in an obscure programming called EASAL on a Datapoint 2200 based on an Intel 8008 chip with cassette tape storage .
Sunday, Robert
- There's going to be a soccer game Sunday afternoon. So, we should plan on going to the gym early that day.
- Re: Sunday, Robert
- So, when do you want to go?
- Re: Sunday, Robert
- We should eat a early dinner before the film this evening.
- Re: Sunday, Robert
- Looks like there's a game on Saturday, but Sunday will have limited hours. Should we just try to go to the gym early on Sunday?
- Message not available
- Re: Sunday, Robert
- We should probably go before noon.
Friday (tonight), Robert
- I would like to work on our taxes again to figure out if we are missing any forms.
Re: SJ PSA - Important Property Tax Document Information (fwd), robert
- I don't see how that would be a satisfactory proof of residency/occupancy. I'm going to try calling.
Re: Jordan Peterson, robert
- Wow. What a waste of time.
Re: Let's All Go To The Movies!, Robert
- Are we going to see the Bob Marley movie, the Australian movie, or the Shirley Chisholm documentary? Or, are you going to see the art movie?
Mail converted by MHonArc