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Re: Comparative Market Analysis

 > From: Bhavani <http://www.adelphia.net/~bhavani>
 > Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2003 20:32:38 -0400
 > Thanks for the help today getting the network going.  There's one more 
 > computer to get on the network and I'm trying to talk them into a hard wire 
 > as opposed to wireless since the other 2 are already hard wired.  But I 
 > have a PCI wireless card if needed.  Play it by ear.

If wired can be done, do it.  It's a helluva lot safer than wireless and
usually easier to set up.

 > Did she give you a feel for its worth if clean?  Or do you have to wait 
 > 'til Thurs?

I'm supposed to wait 'til Thursday.  But I'm posting my craigslist ad
right now.  I'll send you the post when it's done -- I think you'll get a
kick out of it.

 > As you can see from the condo, prices are out of sight right now.  So it 
 > may be the time to sell.  Not that I'm (we) are still interested in moving 
 > there.  It has one really big advantage for me - St. Elizabeth's is very 
 > close if I should need it.

Yeah.  Jerry definitely needed it when he passed out from the alcohol +
blood pressure medication problem.

 > And that pulls me more toward it.  Mom however, 
 > is more of a country person I'm finding out and really rather stay here or 
 > - she found a Health Center for sale in Jaffrey for 395K and loves it.  I 
 > don't know how she/we could support it, but if she could

She?  Wow.  She'd really have to get a high-paying job!

 > I wouldn't mind 
 > living there.  Dream On 'Til Your Dreaming Comes True.
 > Take care,
 > D

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