Could you please answer these questions? I know that Verizon's mail sucks. Try clicking SHIFT-LEFT-MOUSE-BUTTON from the list of messages before replying. You'll then have the message and the list of messages. >From the list of messages, click on the message and then click "Reply". So, then you'll have the original (this message) and an e-mail reply screen. From there, you should be able to address each question point-by-point. Sorry it's so lousy. I tried reconfiguring Verizon mail to be better, but I could not do it. (Yahoo Mail is much better, BTW.) > --- Forwarded mail from Lalaine De Leon <> > > Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 16:08:14 -0700 (PDT) > From: Lalaine De Leon <> > > ok, if you prefer by email, it's fine. > > Need you to provide me the following information: > > 1. Do you have fire sprinklers ( full or partia) ? Any smoke detectors? > 2. Does anyone smoke in the household? > 3. Do you have central/fire or central burglar alarm system? > 4. Is this an apartment building? If so, how many units does the building > have? > > Please provide the above information, and i should be able to properly quote > your risk. > Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. > > Thanks, > > Lalaine de Leon > Farmers Insurance Group > (415) 337 9387 > > --- End of forwarded message from Lalaine De Leon <>