--- Forwarded mail from kathryn <http://www.pacbell.net/~zarf> Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 15:04:14 -0800 From: kathryn <http://www.pacbell.net/~zarf> Subject: Holiday Letter MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Hi Robert, I got your letter and your e-mail. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner. It's been busy here. We put an emergency issue of the slingshot out ( you should get it soon, it was mailed wed. 22nd). It's all about the anti-WTO action in Seattle. I hope you and Noelle are having a nice holiday season. I'll send a real letter soon. by for now, kathryn --- End of forwarded message from kathryn <http://www.pacbell.net/~zarf>