I agree with the comment by Lomifeh: "it sounds more like they build say an app using python that runs with Django. Unless they extended Djangoâ??s core code itself it is not quite the same thing." If I use Apache to run my web site, I am not obligated to open-source my web page code. Even if I develop a new module for Apache, I might feel justified in keeping it private under these circumstances. But then, that module will not have the benefit of being reviewed and improved by the OSS community. That was one point in the article - that political software tends to stagnate between election cycles. Whether "the software" is released or not, what would this A-team be busy with for the future? This kind of team requires challenges to work on. Without such challenges, they will each go their separate way. In four years they will need a different team anyway, as new stars will arise. The key to their success is one that the conservatives will have a hard time copying - the leadership, the collaborative spirit, the failure-is-ok attitude. Bill