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Re: Bhavani's b'day, Feb 16th

I just had another thought for your reflection, and clearly it's only my 
If in the end you happen to opt for a restaurant luncheon or dinner in honor of 
your mom's birthday, I think it's more than fine that each person pay their own 
way.  That's what I intended when first initiating the idea, which of course is 
THE most economical way to go.  I think everyone invited would be happy to do 
that as their gift to her because our very presence is what I personally feel 
she will especially love.  Of course I realize I could be wrong, but just 
thought I'd put it out there.
I'll also be giving her a gift one-on-one at a different time, which of course 
others can do too if they want, but to me our simply being together with her in 
celebration of her birth is "the" most precious gift of all.  Just food for 
thought again while restating that any direction you're in favor of as a whole 
is truly fine with me.  I'm happy to support whoever takes the lead.
Btw... do we yet know who's accepting responsibility for being in charge?  
Please let me know, but it does seem time that we all know who that is.  I 
suppose too that we can each celebrate her separately rather than as a group.  
Any thoughts on that?  This may turn out to be a more involved venture than 
what I originally imagined.  What do you think?

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