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Re: Bhavani's b'day, Feb 16th

I can make either date, Flora... and I'm also NOT the one to coordinate this!!!!
As to who to invite, again feel free (each of you that received this) to 
forward what I sent earlier to any of Bhavani's loved ones or to call/invite 
whoever you would like... although I suppose whoever turns out to be in charge 
should be the one to have the final say since they'll have the hands-on work to 
In addition to the persons you listed, I'm also thinking of the persons your 
mom is close to via the dharma group she belongs to as well as those via 
kundalini yoga.  I haven't any of those email addresses though, so I'm hoping 
that someone here can help out with that..??... that is, forward my original 
message to them.
I don't think this needs to be a surprise for your dad (in fact maybe one of 
you can tell him when you get him alone?) but I also think he has enough on his 
plate so I don't want him to feel concerned about needing to be in charge of 
this either.
Again I'm willing to go along with the majority, so renting a hall or community 
center or using someone's home is really fine with me.  
First though I'm hoping someone takes the lead before any real decisions are 
made, and again it can't be me!!!
***Can any of you take the lead, please??  Otherwise it just can't happen.  
Again I'm sooo sorry that I can't take the lead, but I really and truly can't 
because of other commitments.    
Thanks a lot for your reply, Flora.
Anne Marie

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