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- Zipcar,
- Did you know that Meg Whitman is on Zipcar's board? Think that means it'll come to our area?
- Message not available
- Re: Zipcar,
- Shame it didn't come earlier. Now we have a car.
- Message not available
- Re: Zipcar,
- Well, not exactly pathetic but close. Anyway, my current ETA is 7:15pm.
Re: [WebForm] Computer General,
- I see. So, the process actually prefers a bubblesort. I didn't realize that. I'm assuming you mean that, by making it random, it enhances the correctness of the final result. Well, allowing for the shortcomings of not going through every combination and b...
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: [WebForm] Computer General,
Doug Wagoner
- I am still not sure how you see sorting algorithms playing a part in this tool. Once you pick the values you are going to use, each possible pair is displayed once for you to "vote" on. I am calling the PHP shuffle function to arrange the array of pairs....
tax refund check,
- Did you endorse the Ca tax refund check yet?
the handyman can,
- My co-worker is asking to recommend a handyman. Do you think Roger would be willing to take on more work?
- Message not available
- Re: the handyman can,
- I think she lives in Fremont. I don't know. Forgot about that. I'll have to ask.
store emacs temporary files elsewhere,
- See
Fw: [-vegan] New Meetup: Dinner at Flacos,
- Wanna go?
File Downloads for Order #1197835936,
- Your order #1197835936 at RiffTrax included file download(s). To download them, please login to your My Files page at the link below: NOTE: Be sure to download the correct format for your DVD! For more information on what the different format...
change external hard drive backup shell script to use fuse-posixovl,
US Bonds,
- Did you take my advice to invest in foreign bonds (in addition to US bonds and keeping some of the money in the annuity)? According to today's news (see link below), it looks like people are losing faith in the U.S. economy.
Re: US Bonds vs Foreign Bonds vs Gary Bonds,
- OK. Too bad you didn't act on it earlier considering the state of the finance markets. Oh, well. Timing is never perfect.
Fw: [baveg] Potluck and Movie Night,
- This is on Friday May 6 at 7pm, probably in Mountain View. Interested?
Star Wars Holiday Special,
- I just heard that The Star Wars Holiday Special will no longer be available on-line. Sad?
Re: 401K,
- So you're thinking of contributing pre-tax to the 401K to lower your wage income and then use money from the annuity instead? Then, you'll later get the money out of the 401K (paying taxes on it, of course)? Seems like it would work, as long as you contrib...
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: 401K,
- Well, ophthamologist says I'm an enigma and it's not so bad getting more and more near-sighted in one eye. This would definitely not help for this condition, unless it ends up that I have cancerous tumor and end up needing to get chemotherapy. I'll look i...
- Re: 401K,
- it's not glaucoma! my neighbor Roger said he could get us the medicinal from him,if we wanted. my aggressive UBS IRA has made money lately.
- Re: 401K,
- I looked at these images. It's hard to tell what's what, but, again, you need to expect that you could as easily lose money as make money when you're in aggressive funds. If you want to minimize your losses and have smaller gains, you should invest in a l...
Long-Term Care Insurance,
- I neglected to have you sign the various waivers on the application form. So, we need to do that, perhaps tonight?
phone number,
- Please give out my my-Oakland-voicemail-number number if anyone (such as a recruiter) wants to talk to me during the day. Don't give out my direct work number. Thanks.
add to 1:1 agenda: slowing down Irene,
the head of QA is leaving,
- Got an email that the head of QA at my work is leaving.
Best Man?,
- Robert, Do you want to be my best man for my wedding? I guess all you have to do is give me the ring during the wedding. Chris Christopher Programmer/Analyst Picis, now part of Ingenix Direct: Fax: 781-557-3140 100 Quannapowitt Parkway, Suite 405 Wakefiel...
- Re: Best Man?,
- What do you think? Good idea?
- Re: Best Man?,
- Would I need to dress in any particular way? Would I need to arrive in New England extra early for this?
Fw: [SouthBayVeggies] World Wide Vegan Bake Sale April 30, 2011 Willow Glen 12:00-2:00,
- Something to do, I suppose.
Re: 401K (sent from Eudora previously),
- Nope, only got this one. I think you should figure out how much you were intending to take out from AIG and probably contribute around the same amount. Does that seem logical/rational? You mean Roth 401k vs. traditional 401k? You'll probably be in a highe...
- Re: 401K (sent from Eudora previously),
- Sorry for misinforming you -- you're right a traditional IRA makes more sense now in this case to pay lower taxes now. Given that you'll be getting more than you'll need to live on from the annuity, the aggressive fund makes most sense since you have a cu...
- Re: 401K (sent from Eudora previously),
- I guess you already know that you can contribute $16500 + $5000 = $21500 to your 401K, right? Also, you should consider an IRA in addition. That may be a good way to save on taxes until you go back into the lower tax bracket. (Max contribution is $6000 at ...
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: 401K (sent from Eudora previously),
- Good suggestions and I will work on those ideas. Thanks, D
jury duty,
- Santa Clara County said I should call after 5pm for my group number 183. Looking more and more likely that I won't have to even go to the courthouse.
- Re: jury duty,
- They want me to call tomorrow after 12pm.
- Message not available
- Re: jury duty,
- Damn. Glad you reminded me. I'll do it now.
- Message not available
- Re: jury duty,
- OK, called. No jury duty. So, I am free, and you are free...
add to Outlook calendar: 10:45am eye doc appt on May 6,
ask platform whether anyone has made a preprocessor to allow for isolated class unit testing,
Gary's pleasant vet visit,
- How did Gary enjoy the vet?
File Downloads for Order #1197855866,
- Your order #1197855866 at RiffTrax included file download(s). To download them, please login to your My Files page at the link below: NOTE: Be sure to download the correct format for your DVD! For more information on what the different format...
call on Wed to make haircut appt for Sat,
Fw: Next week: CINEMATIC TITANIC: Samson & the 7 Wonders of the World and Rattlers,
- Any interest? Bit of a drive on a Fri night...
upgrading Firefox,
- I had some problem with Firefox. Flash wouldn't work. So, after you restart your Firefox, you too may have problems. I would recommend testing it and I can fix it if needed.
Re: Garcia in San Francisco (fwd),
- I dunno. Are you sure that you wrote the CD? Otherwise, you'll probably have to wait 'til I get home.
Memorial Day,
- Looks like I indeed have Memorial Day off. We could hang with your dad and Gail.
Fw: [SouthBayVeggies] Tuesday noon: Amie Breeze Harper speaks on "Race & Whiteness in Veganism",
- Sounds interesting. Too bad I'll be at work.
phone call Fri morning,
- Someone will be calling me Fri morning @ 9am. I'll take the call in the front room.
bean salad,
- I forgot to write it down on the shopping list. We should use the basil, however.
call Westshore @ 408-456-0200 to get invoice for 4/27 roof work,
- Westshore Roofing,
- I assume we still didn't get an invoice from them, right? Do you know if your check was cashed?
summer potluck?,
- When did you wanna do the summer potluck?
- Re: summer potluck?,
- Any more thoughts about this?
- Message not available
- Re: summer potluck?,
- OK, I'll try to remember to set it up. Think we should make a flyer to give to neighbors?
Re: Fw: Redwood City Concerts start this week, Friday May 6th,
- I think the only one I'd consider would be The Police tribute band...
RBS called,
- Didn't say what it was about. Call 'em back at 888-333-0114.
Re: West Coast Live: Wit Meets West (fwd),
- Maybe I'll suggest a DINKs & SINKs event.
Thank you, Member for joining Goldstar!,
- Title: Thank you for joining Goldstar! Welcome to Goldstar! We're here to help you get out more by offering fun ideas, half-price tickets, member reviews, and everything you need for great nights out. Each week you will receive an email update of events in...
bolting foundation,
- Would you be able to call Karen to ask Jerry if he'd have time to make an estimate for bolting the house to its foundation?
desk exercises,
- I forgot. Did I give you a book listing stretches and exercises you can do at your desk?
Palo Alto Prof Dev: NO MAY MEETING (fwd),
Re: new restaurant suggestion (fwd),
- OK.
print desk stretches,
pick up book from library on Tuesday evening,
Upcoming Orientation (fwd),
Re: Morgan Spurlock movie,
- I guess it's Netflix for us, then.
leave Office Yoga book at work,
your dad's laptop,
- Next time you talk with your dad, ask him about what router he ended up getting and the laptop.
Re: in where-I-live Friday,
- It's definitely possible -- I'm pretty sure we don't have anything planned. So, are you limited to only the "5-6PM timeframe"?
- Message not available
- Re: in where-I-live Friday,
- 1) Where exactly will you be? 2) Will you have a car? 3) Do you need to catch a plane at 6:30PM?
- Message not available
- Re: in where-I-live Friday,
- Yeah, let's meet in MV. Call me on Noelle's cell phone at our-Oakland-cell-phone-number (or possibly my work number at my-April-2006-direct-work-number) and I'll bail from work. Maybe I could meet you in the Tell_me Lobby between 3pm and 4pm? into a pumpki...
- Re: in where-I-live Friday,
Mike M.
- Sounds good all around, look forward to seeing you! -- Original Message -- From: Robert <> To: Cc: Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 6:15 PM Subject: Re: in where-I-live Friday To: "Mike M." <> Yeah, let's meet in MV.; Cal...
Re: Garden Party/BBQ (sent to,
http : //www . sneakemail . com/~bccme
- Paul, Thanks for stopping by last night to hand deliver your invitation for this Sunday's event. Would you please add me to your evite invitation? Appreciate it! See ya Sunday! Robert & Noelle . where-I-live
Re: barracuda Networks Onsite Interview Confirmation 5/27 10am,
- I'll be WFH on May 27 and going to this interview in the morning.
Fw: [-vegan] Vegan Intentional Community Forming in,
- Good luck...
Fw: [svtransitusers] Thoughts from YOU on VTA's proposed budget & changes,
add "Objects" to "User Stories" in Design Template,
Fw: [SouthBayVeggies] Fw: For PCRM Health Care Professionals: Special Forks Over Knives interview,
Fw: [svtransitusers] VTA's revised proposed service changes (LONG!),
tomato towers,
- Hi! I was wondering if I could buy 2 or 3 tomato towers that Jesse makes. Let me know if this is possible. meow, Noelle
Shiloh's email,
Re: Evite invitation from Robert,
- Can you see ? It's June 11.
Almost Summer Solstice Potluck on June 11,
- We're doing another potluck thing. See for details and to RSVP. Hope to see you!
Kinda interestin' me thought,
http : //www . juno . com/~bhavaniowl
- Marnie & Alfred from a blog: ...Hitchcock connects himself to Marnie. After the(his) terrifying incident in the jail, Hitchcock became afraid of Police. He never learned how to drive the car. In Dick Cavett Interview, Alfred Hitchcock said he is still terr...
Re: Ahnold (fwd),
potluck flyers?,
- You gunna distribute the potluck flyers today?
Fw: [Bay-Area-Mystery-Science-Theater-3000-Fans] New Meetup: June MST3k Party!,
- Interested?
Fw: PLEASE HELP QUICKLY -- support the labeling of GE fish, AB 88,
- Olga's word...
Re: lambda_crane has RSVP'd for Almost Summer Solstice Potluck (fwd),
- Changed it.
Re: Assisting WCSV with Data Entry (fwd),
- Good -- a worthwhile pursuit.
Re: Thank You for Your Survey Response,
- Did you do this? I don't remember taking the survey.
bring Ultimate Boot CD and GParted CDs home,
Re: Farm Fresh To You - Account Information (fwd),
- That's rather bizarre. I always pay them via check.
Fw: New Meetup: Weekday lunch for women (Thursday, June 9),
- Networking opportunity?
Re: 6/4,
- OK.
Weekday lunch (women only) - South Bay DINKs and SINKs (where-I-live) - Meetup - Mozilla Firefox,
- Title: Weekday lunch (women only) - South Bay DINKs and SINKs (where-I-live) - Meetup document.body.className += (!document.body.className) ? 'hasJS' : ' hasJS'; South Bay DINKs and SINKs Home Members My profile All members Sponsors Photos Pages...
Fw: AB 88 Labeling of GE salmon -- thanks for your help,
Fw: New Meetup: Spring Hike,
- Interested?
the real reason for your Tell_me visit,
Robert via LinkedIn
- LinkedIn -- Robert has sent you a message Date: 6/01/2011 Subject: the real reason for your Tell_me visit Now I know why you visited a few weeks ago: to steal Anne! I should've known :-). View/reply to this message: Don't want to receive e-mai...
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: the real reason for your Tell_me visit,
Jeremiah Lee via LinkedIn
- <br/> -- <br/> Now I know why you visited a few weeks ago: to steal Anne! <br/> <br/> I should've known :-). </p> <p style="margin: 15px 0 3px 0; background: #DCF0F6; padding: 5px 15px; width: 50%; text-align: center;quot;><a href="; style=t;co...
- RE: the real reason for your Tell_me visit,
Robert via LinkedIn
- <br/> -- <br/> Now I know why you visited a few weeks ago: to steal Anne! <br/> <br/> I should've known :-). </p> <p style="margin: 15px 0 3px 0; background: #DCF0F6; padding: 5px 15px; width: 50%; text-align: center;quot;><a href="; style=t;co...
Off today for New Mexico,
http : //www . juno . com/~bhavaniowl
- FYI- We are leaving on a jet plane... do know when we'll be back again. We'll be back Late Thursday June 9th...essentially Fri. the 10th. Susan will be staying here feeding the kitties and housesittng. It would be 'great'...that would be 'great' if you cou...
July 4th weekend,
- Just a long-term plan: I would like to upgrade your computer's software on the July 4th weekend if a new version of Linux Mint Gnome comes out by then.
Elie's schedule and next week (fwd),
Re: where-I-live Library Notification,
- How timely!
New Mexico,
- Peaceful here @ Ancient Way Cafe. Cabin is comfy & depending on weather might leave this spot & move on. TRYL Kind wishes, Bhavani Sent from my iPhone
- Message not available
- Re: New Mexico,
- Joanie Peters died service will probably be Fri 10th
- Re: New Mexico,
http : //www . gmail . com/~flora
- Sorry to hear. How did you find out?
[MyOpenRouter] Verify Your Membership with MyOpenRouter,
MyOpenRouter Accounts
- Thank you for registering to become the newest member of MyOpenRouter. Before we can activate your account, one last step must be taken to complete your registration. Simply click here to complete your registration, or copy the following link into your fa...
[MyOpenRouter] Welcome to MyOpenRouter!,
MyOpenRouter Editor
- MyOpenRouter The Premier Online Community for NETGEAR's WNR3500L ed member of the community, with access to knowledgeable experts, mountains of content, lively discussions, interesting blogs, and much more. My name is Peter Redmer, the Editor of MyOpenRou...
leave cereal container,
Hospital just called,
- Said Joanie died Sat of heart failure. I didn't sign 4 POA to release her body. Hopefully Mark of Cate & Johnson will be able to retrieve her...
Re: Palo Alto Prof Dev: June 25 Mtg (11:00am) (fwd),
- Groovy.
Re: Hello From pingg (fwd),
- OK, fine. No need to reply or take any action for that matter.
call John about cohousing,
- 105-808-0219
RE: Email from Alumni Site,
Evergreen Alumni
- Hi Robert, Thanks for your email. I'm forwarding your message to our Career Development Center, who manages the alumni mentoring program. Best regards, Jonathan Jonathan Lindsay Information Technology Specialist The Evergreen State College Foundation 360-8...
Re: West Coast Live: June Bugs (fwd),
- Oh. Wanna go?
Elie's quitting (fwd),
Be back home,
- Fri. will meet w/Mark of Cate & Johnson 4 arrangements Joan Peters. Also responsible 4 apartment contents & 2 cats. Waiting period 4 animals 2 shelter. All in all had a special time in NM other than sad situation with the fire, smoke & death. Wish we could...
- Message not available
- Re: Be back home,
- In-Reply-To: <AAAAAAAAAQAAAAAQAAAAAA@robert> From: (Robert) X-friends: (Robert) X-SBPass: NoBounce References: <AAAAAAAAAQAAAAAQAAAAAA@robert> <AAAAAAAAAQAAAAAQAAAAAA@robert> <AAAAAAAAAQAAAAAQAAAAAA@robert> Encrypt: on X-Mailer: Mail U...
- Message not available
- Re: Fw: Be back home,
- Yeah, got that message. Like how your name is spelled "Gilles"?
RE: Be back home,
- Good luck today.
send to J Shep,
Ana Lisa Salomonis,
- Marnie, Could you please ask Ana Lisa on Facebook to read her Gmail email? Thanks!
add "Open a tracking bug" for feature area designs,
Reply from Gail re: 'Superjobs': Why You Work More, Enjoy It Less,
- Thanks for update. Hi Robert (and Noelle), Thanks for sending this. We enjoyed seeing you and Noelle on our way home from Taylor's H.S. graduation celebrations. On our camper trip from 6/1-6/4 we played your "Red Diaper Baby" disk by Josh Kornbluth in th...
File Downloads for Order #1197932031,
- Your order #1197932031 at RiffTrax included file download(s). To download them, please login to your My Files page at the link below: NOTE: Be sure to download the correct format for your DVD! For more information on what the different format...
figure out why .zcat.[0-9]* files in ~/screenlogs,
order another USB smart card reader,
try to get printing working from Ubuntu,
rename design templates to "feature", "feature area", and "feature areas",
Fw: [SouthBayVeggies] 10TH (!) Annual SBVS 4th of July Vegan BBQ,
- Want to go? Maybe bring Heather and/or Elie?
Service for Joan Peters etc. @ Cate & Johnson,
http : //www . juno . com/~bhavaniowl
- Service for Joanie will be Tuesday June 14th at 11am...approximately. Minister won't arrive until 12 then to the cemetery. ...after go out to eat at Puritan Backroom Restaurant in Manchester, . Two of her cats need a home. One is a year old the other 10 ye...
Receipt for your PayPal payment to Beach Audio (fwd),
Re: Seeking advice,
- I'm feeling the same. I'm sniffing around. From: Dale <> Subject: Seeking advice To: "Dale" <> Date: Friday, June 10, 2011, 4:52 PM Hello friends, I'm reaching out at this time seeking opinions, insights and advice regarding new employmen...
Thank you for purchasing Kinesis Corporation Kb700pb-us Kinesis Freestyle Solo (fwd),
ask for pair programming support in new building,
ask about Zen Lounge equivalents in new building,
list "need to work on" competencies that are only partially met,
Re: Potluck Date (fwd),
- Are we going?
Re: can't see pictures,
- Oddly, I never got an email from Evite about the photos and neither did Noelle. So, I can't try to look up the link. I don't see a link to the photos on the Evite page itself, either. Sorry. Maybe only Noelle and I will see the photos :-(.
Joan Ellen Peters,
http : //www . juno . com/~bhavaniowl
- Joan Peters MANCHESTER - Joan E. Peters, 84, died June 5, 2011. She was born Feb. 4, 1927, in Manchester, to Theodore and Annabell (Smith) Cate and had been a lifelong resident of this community. Prior to retirement, she was employed with the Raytheon Comp...
Re: dinner? (fwd),
- She got the spelling right.
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: dinner? (fwd),
- She got the spelling right.
- Re: dinner? (fwd),
- Ha! Just kidding! Any time after 5pm. I could meet there, but I'd lug my stuff to the restaurant. Or, alternatively, I could leave my stuff at the office and we could pick it up on the way back. Yes.
your printer,
- I cannot find any info on why you're having so many problems getting the printer to work. It should've just worked out-of-the-box. I recommend that you go through the Troubleshooting section on the Epson page: If it's not too much trouble, you mi...
Re: dentist,
- I already used up all my flex spending. Are you sure it can't wait 'til next year?
- Re: dentist,
- no, it's at the point it just might fall off. Insurance pays for half.
Re: Fusion-to-Fiber plans (fwd),
- I am not interested in giving up AT&T just yet...
Fw: New Meetup: Wine-tasting and picnic lunch,
- Interested?
Re: in where-I-live Friday (fwd),
- I haven't heard from any Google recruiters lately. Assuming of course that I'd wanna work for the "non-evil" empire...
use "advocate" rather than "persuade" in perf review summary,
Re: The Evergreen State College Career Development Center - ACE Files,
- Kathy, I am unable to view the file you attached. Could you please send it in a different format? Maybe a Word document or PowerPoint or whatever? Thanks.
Re: Next week: next meeting soon: (fwd),
- The problem is my trying to RSVP is that I have to register with the meetup group. And that requires approval from the organizer. Stupid.
Inside Job? (fwd),
Fw: [SouthBayVeggies] Fwd: Reminder: I'll be in Ca signing "The Bond",
- It's an animal thing...
Palo Alto Professional Dev - Speaker Bio: Melissa Schmidt (fwd),
schedule a hair cut appointment,
Re: Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit (fwd),
- Spam? You didn't click any links, right?
Re: bicycle express,
- They said I'd have to be there at 6pm to guarantee that the spoke be fixed before they close. I very much doubt I could get there by 6pm. I have a sinking feeling that Saturday morning will be my only option, and, in that case, I'd have to skip the Profes...
Re: Your Alliance Credit Union Statement is now available (fwd),
- Yeah, that almost definitely won't help. Did you try getting out of Firefox and then back in?
Re: REMINDER: Palo Alto Professional Dev Mtg (this Sat, June 25 at 11am) (fwd),
- OK. Well, have fun. Or try to have fun. Sip a small iced hibiscus tea.
Re: Upcoming citizenship soiree,
- I'm not sure what this is nor what we are doing this weekend. Would you be interested in going? (Michael went to our Indian dinner party year's ago when we were in where-I-live.)
Re: FW: VYCC Welcome Packet - Residential,
- Fantastic! I've been thinking (a.k.a. worrying) about Nick quite a bit over the past couple of months, wondering what his future will be. If there's any way he could eventually go to college, especially if it's very far away from Vermont, he should do it. ...
- RE: FW: VYCC Welcome Packet - Residential,
- Yes, I would like to see him go to college. He could learn what he is interested in and be with people who have the same interests. I think he is looking for direction and his seems to be looking to Tim for guidance. I think this will be very difficult for...
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: FW: VYCC Welcome Packet - Residential,
http : //www . juno . com/~bhavaniowl
- Tell Nick that We hope he will enjoy himself. If that seems appropriate to hear that that he is taking the challenge!! Yes, As I mentioned, this is great and will give him more maturity... whatever that means....childlike not childish. Obviously Nick be le...
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